

Award Notification:  Amanda Berry (NC '16)

Featured in this video:  Amanda Berry (NC '16)
Mount Airy, NC   |    Dec 08, 2016
Jones Intermediate School

Amanda Robertson, Welcome to NC's Milken Educator Family!

What's happening at Jones Intermediate School? North Carolina Superintendent of Public Instruction Dr. June Atkinson and Mount Airy City Schools Superintendent Dr. Kim Morrison are visiting to commend the school on its Leader In Me program at an all-school assembly. But there's more to the story, which everyone realizes when Atkinson introduces Dr. Jane Foley, senior vice president of the Milken Educator Awards. In a shocking turn of events, Foley and Atkinson present fourth-grade math teacher Amanda Robertson with North Carolina's 2016-17 Milken Educator Award and $25,000, making the day one Robertson will remember forever. Watch Robertson's big surprise in this short video.

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