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2012–13 Pinning Events
May, 2013With the theme of "Igniting the Passion," Alayna's fellow South Dakota Milken Educators took her to The Firehouse restaurant for lunch. After sharing their experiences about how "Milken Educators ignite the passions of the students they teach, their colleagues, and future teachers," they presented Alayna with an external reflection of her internal passion—her Milken Educator pin.
Pictured, from left to right: Cary Roller (SD '08), Sherry Crofut (SD '07), Alayna Siemonsma (SD '12), and Nicole Keegan (SD '11)
In this photo: Cary Combs (SD '08) , Sherry Crofut (SD '07) , Nicole Keegan (SD '11) , Alayna Siemonsma (SD '12)All photos should be credited to "Milken Family Foundation" unless otherwise noted.
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