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2012–13 Pinning Events
May, 2013LaKeshia Ames got a double-honor from her surprise pinning dinner. Not only did she receive her Milken Educator pin, LaKeshia also received the admiration of two retired teachers who happened to be dining at the same restaurant and were excited to be in a nationally recognized teacher's presence!
Pictured, from left: Joel Robins (VA '10), Debora Lassiter (VA '00), LaKeshia Ames (VA '12) and Deborah Hunley-Stukes (VA '99).
In this photo: LaKeshia Ames (VA '12) , Dr. Deborah Hunley-Stukes (VA '99) , Debora A. Lassiter (VA '00) , Dr. Joel Robins (VA '10)All photos should be credited to "Milken Family Foundation" unless otherwise noted.
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