Educator Profile    Educators

Sherry Crofut (SD '07)

Independent Education Consultant

Discovery Education

Subject(s) taught: Computers, English, Social Studies

At the time of the Award, Sherry Crofut was:
North Middle School
Rapid City, SD

Subject(s) taught: English/Language, Social Studies
Grade(s): 6, 7, 8

Biographical Information

Sherry currently works at TIE (Technology and Innovation in Education), where she works with teachers integrating technology in their classrooms. As a former technology teacher at North Middle School in Rapid City — a school community where only 15-20 percent of students have a computer in the home — Sherry Crofut has helped many sixth- to eighth-graders achieve technological proficiency. Using a workshop approach in her classroom, she not only taught students how to communicate through word processing software, Web pages, chats, blogs and PowerPoint, but also integrated technology into English and other content areas. Crofut now teaches English and social studies, leads a Saturday School, organizes activities during a two-day end-of-year event called "May Madness," and operates the "banking system" for the school's attendance program, "Eagle Cash," which rewards students for on-time attendance. She interacts often with parents, and twice a week teaches an evening computer class that she designed for adults in the community. She is a mentor to new teachers both as part of the state's mentoring program and through a partnership with Black Hills State University. Computer teachers at the local high school have said that they could spot Sherry Crofut's former students because of their above-average technological proficiency.

Additional Information


2012 Google Apps Certified

2008 National Board Certification

2007 Technology and Education Training, M.S.

1997 Black Hills State University, B.S.


2012 it's inevitable: Customized Teaching and Learning

2010 More Best Practices for Middle School Classrooms

