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After a short fight with pancreatic cancer, retired educator Lois Cohn (CA '91) died at home in Long Beach, California on October 9, 2015. She is survived by her husband of 61 years, Gordon Cohn, three children, and many grandchildren, nieces, nephews and cousins.
Lois, who won the Milken Educator Award in 1991, taught for 30 years in the Long Beach and Los Alamitos school districts. During her extended tenure at McGaugh Elementary School in Seal Beach, where she ended her teaching career in 1993, she created the annual Pageant of the Arts, an elementary school tribute to the Laguna Beach Pageant of the Masters, in which children recreate in tableau the world’s great art works, accompanied by song and dance. The program continues 22 years after her retirement.
Lois and Gordon traveled the world with passion, visiting 58 countries. At 77 Lois parachuted out of a plane 10,000 feet over Namibia. At the end of her life she said that she had accomplished everything she hoped to achieve. Her only regret, she said, was that she never got to zip line.