Why I Became a Teacher
August 14, 2020Nick Jacques (NV '19)
"As an individual who was raised in an abusive and non-nurturing household, school was my safe place. At school I had my friends, my teachers, my hobbies and a positive environment that kept me out of the house. My best class was band because it was something I enjoyed doing, I did it well, and it gave me a reason be away from home. It was a place where I could be myself, and I flourished.
"I met a teacher who would become my mentor. Chuck Wackerman, who is still teaching at the age of 89, used to share stories of his experiences with famous musicians. He showed us that those famous musicians began their journeys in school bands just like ours. That spark began my journey into music education.
"In high school, I auditioned and performed with a college band. Dr. Betancourt was our teacher, and his enthusiasm, sense of humor and encouraging personality gave me an even clearer focus for my future. My high school jazz band traveled to the Reno Jazz Festival, and I found the campus that I ended up calling home for seven years. As I worked through my college classes, my drive to become a teacher continued to grow, and I knew that I had found my true calling."
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