Connections: Linking Talented Educators
Connections: Linking Talented Educators

Spotlight: Paige Leddy (RI '23)

September 27, 2024

Rhode Island Milken Educator Paige Leddy is a K-4 reading specialist at Richmond Elementary School. She leads with a growth mindset, using formative phonics assessments and student data to ensure students are on track. "We have such an important job. We have children who will be the next generation in our classroom every day, and we get to teach them how to explore the world and help them grow to become kind and respectful citizens." Paige Leddy received a 2023-24 Rhode Island Milken Educator Award on October 10, 2023.

Milken Family Foundation: How have students responded since your Milken Educator Award surprise? 

The students have all been amazing! I have been congratulated by students who have never even been in my class. I received so many kind handwritten cards, shoutouts and high-fives. The students loved the surprise and were so excited to talk about it in the following days.  
MFF: Who are your role models as an educator? Is there an experience you had in the classroom as a student that shaped who you are as an educator? 

When I was in elementary school, I truthfully loved all of my teachers. I was always the kid that couldn't sleep the night before the first day of school because I was so excited my family jokes that I am still this way! It would be impossible to single out any of those role models because I was so fortunate to have so many amazing educators create these amazing classroom environments where I loved learning. As I continued to grow in my professional career, my principal also had a really big impact on me. She always led with a student-centered mindset and helped give me the confidence to grow as a leader in my building, pursue new roles in the district, and to earn my master’s degree in reading.  
MFF: Tell us about your first year of teaching. What memories stand out? Who or what helped you through it?  

My first year of teaching was a whirlwind. I will never forget how excited I was to have been hired and to be in my dream job. The hours were long, but I enjoyed every second of it.  My amazing colleague showed me the ropes and helped me every step of the way!  

MFF: What do you hope students remember from their time with you? 

I hope they remember that they can do anything they set their mind to. I want them to remember that I believe in them. Everyone has different strengths and weaknesses but with a positive mindset and hard work, they can accomplish anything!  
MFF: As a reading specialist, you've worked with the science of reading and incorporated many of its literacy strategies. How has this approach helped your students develop this fundamental skill? 

I feel so lucky to be a reading interventionist right now. School districts are understanding the science of reading, teachers are being trained in structured literacy, and the students are soaring. The science of reading is a body of research that shows how all children learn how to read, and it is so much more than just phonics. Understanding this and putting structured literacy into practice has been transformative for my school. This approach works; I can see the results in the data, the students' confidence, and the parent and teachers’ pride!  

MFF: What advice would you share with people who are interested in becoming teachers? 

You will not regret it. Teaching has been such a rewarding career. I have seen this quote often: “Teaching is the one profession that creates all other professions.” I feel that we have such an important job. We have children who will be the next generation in our classroom every day, and we get to teach them how to explore the world and help them grow to become kind and respectful citizens in our world.  


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