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MEA Moments 2016-17
Featured in this video:
Amanda Berry (NC '16)
Dr. Amara Alexander (AL '16)
Emily Caldarelli (RI '16)
Paul Campbell (AK '16)
Felicia Casto (CO '16)
Amanda Christensen (SD '16)
Stephanie Conklin (KS '16)
Eric Crouch (GA '16)
Kara Davis (AR '16)
Thomas Dennison (MD '16)
Traci Druschke (IN '16)
Dr. Jane Foley (IN '94)
Lindsay Frevert (NJ '16)
Lukas Hefty (FL '16)
Melissa Kovac (NM '16)
Lowell Milken
Lindsay Murray (VA '16)
Katie Picciuto (TN '16)
Jayda Pugliese (PA '16)
Catherine Randall (LA '16)
Amanda Raupe (OK '16)
Lisa Richard (OR '16)
Dr. Allison Ruhl (MS '16)
Aimee Schade (IN '16)
Katherine Shaw (CA '16)
Amber Simpson (TX '16)
Kelly Sutcliffe (HI '16)
Timothy Thomas (AZ '16)
Jennie Todd (CO '16)
Vanessa Torres (SC '16)
Dr. Tiffany Tynes Curry (OH '16)
Masaru Uchino (HI '16)
Jessica Villanueva (CA '16)
Devon Willis-Jones (LA '16)
Manuel Zaldivar (CT '16)
Mar 27, 2017Milken Educator Award Moments 2016-17
For 30 years, we've been traveling across the U.S. surprising outstanding teachers and principals with Milken Educator Awards and $25,000 checks. Enjoy these highlights from our 2016-17 Award notifications, featuring today's brightest minds in education.