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Award Notification:  Maria Santonastaso (RI '24)

Featured in this video:  Maria Santonastaso (RI '24)
Cranston, RI   |    Oct 22, 2024
Glen Hills Elementary School

Maria Santonastaso, You're a Rhode Island Milken Educator!

CRANSTON, RHODE ISLAND—Today’s assembly had a huge surprise in store for one outstanding Cranston educator! Milken Educator Awards Senior Vice President Dr. Jane Foley, joined by Rhode Island Education Commissioner Angélica Infante-Green and Lieutenant Governor Sabina Matos, arrived at Glen Hills Elementary School to launch the nationwide 2024-25 Milken Educator Awards tour. The first Award of the season, including an unrestricted $25,000 financial prize, was presented to kindergarten teacher Maria Santonastaso! Today marks the beginning of a milestone season that will add the 3,000th recipient to the Milken Educator Awards' ranks.

