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Guess What, Kelly Sutcliffe? You're a Hawaii Milken Educator!
President Thomas Jefferson Elementary School | Honolulu, HI | Feb 02, 2017Fourth-grade teacher Kelly Sutcliffe steps to the microphone to address her students and colleagues at Jefferson Elementary, where she has taught almost every grade. "Jefferson has been my family, my ohana," she says. "As an educator, I'm always adapting and reinventing myself. Teachers have a lot of different responsibilities, but at the end of the day, it doesn't matter what else I have on my plate. My students come first." Lowell Milken, chairman and co-founder of the Milken Family Foundation, looks on with pride.
In this series:
Kelly Sutcliffe (HI '16)
In this photo:
Lowell Milken
Kelly Sutcliffe (HI '16)
All photos should be credited to "Milken Family Foundation" unless otherwise noted.
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