Educator Profile    Educators

Wilhemenia Christon (CT '93)


At the time of the Award, Wilhemenia Christon was:
Ansonia High School
Ansonia, CT

Biographical Information

Although officially retired from her position as high school principal for eleven years, Wilhemenia has never loss her connection to today's youth and education. She has served in several civic and educational capacities in an effort to contribute to her community.  It was doing her role as assistant principal and humanities chairman at Ansonia High School in Ansonia, she was determined to do something to reverse the course of those students with a history of social and academic failure. Her efforts came to fruition in 1992 when Ansonia High School was awarded a substantial grant to finance a dropout prevention program. Program HOPE (Helping Our Pupils Excel). The program functions as "a school-within-a-school," operating on the same schedule as the regular high school. "The success if Project HOPE , now in its second year, and of similar programs initiated and carried out by Ms. Christon attest to her great dedication in narrowing "the gulf that widens between rich and poor, between the urban and suburban districts, between the skilled and unskilled, and among the races." Ms. Christon would like America to have one public school system, not two, and she hopes that in the not-to-distant future we will all see "equal quality education and diversity in our public schools."


Additional Information


1966 South Carolina State University, B.A.

Writing, Alternative Education, At-risk Students, Drop-outs

