Educator Profile    Educators


Wendy L. Smith (MI '05)

At the time of the Award, Wendy L. Smith was:
Davidson Middle School
Southgate, MI

Subject(s) taught: Science
Grade(s): 8

Biographical Information

Wendy Smith has teaching down to a science. As the school's data team leader and school development chair, Mrs. Smith analyzes data from student assessments and uses it to help guide the school development plan, supporting the academic requirements of both No Child Left Behind and the North Central Association. As a science teacher, Mrs. Smith aligns her lessons to state benchmarks and standards. The result is strong academic performance, with students consistently achieving GPAs of 3.0 or higher and regularly exceeding Michigan Educational Assessment Program (MEAP) averages by 20 percent. All this focus on data doesn't mean that Mrs. Smith's science lessons aren't fun and involving. From building boats out of clay and cellular models out of candy to engaging in forensic science, Mrs. Smith's students learn through hands-on experience. Constantly aware of different learning styles and the needs of the middle-level learner, Mrs. Smith varies her instruction to meet those styles and needs. She also maintains high standards: at one point she researched a new curriculum, found it lacking in certain areas, and presented it to key staff with suggestions for improvement. The data on Wendy Smith indicates she is one truly exceptional educator.

