Educator Profile    Educators


Walter Luke (HI '94)


At the time of the Award, Walter Luke was:
Kanoelani Elementary School
Waipahu, HI

Biographical Information

"The school, home and community must work as partners to create a safe and nurturing environment," says Walter Luke, principal of Kanoelani Elementary School in Waipahu. Under Mr. Luke's leadership, Kanoelani Elementary School has implemented a Teacher-Mentor program, the goal of which, he explains, "is not only to provide support for novice teachers, but to allow all teachers to visit other grade levels, observe curriculum implementation and have a forum for discussion and the exchange of ideas." Mr. Luke also helped form the First Year Principal Mentor program in his district, and he serves as a Mentor Principal for the State's Leadership Academy. The school improvement plan he developed with his staff and faculty is collaboratively written and reflects the priority he sets on teamwork. In 1990, Mr. Luke was recognized by the National Association of Elementary School Principals as a National Distinguished Principal.

Additional Information


1968 University of Hawaii - Manoa, B.A.

