Educator Profile    Educators


Vicky Stormoe (ND '94)

Assistant Principal

Centennial Elementary School
Fargo, ND

At the time of the Award, Vicky Stormoe was:
Centennial Elementary School
Fargo, ND

Biographical Information

Education has to be recognized as a top priority at the federal, state and local levels, says Vicky Stormoe, assistant principal and fourth grade teacher at Centennial School in Fargo. The importance of education is paramount to Ms. Stormoe, who reminds us that educators are the professionals that contribute to all professions. Ms. Stormoe, who has been an educator for thirty years, has held several curriculum leadership positions both at the state and local level. She is also a frequent organizer and leader throughout the state of inservices on language arts and mathematics. At Centennial School, she has worked on curriculum integration and on developing this year's theme, "Renaissance :A Centennial Celebration." The theme will serve as the organizing principle for all areas of learning, and it will be at the center of a variety of school-wide activities.

