Educator Profile    Educators


Tracy Hoilman (TN '03)


Science Hill High School
Johnson City, TN

Subject(s) taught: Drama/Theater
Grade(s): 8, 9

At the time of the Award, Tracy Hoilman was:
Unicoi County High School
Erwin, TN

Subject(s) taught: English/Language, Drama/Theater
Grade(s): 9, 10, 11, 12

Biographical Information

At Unicoi County High School in Erwin, English and drama teacher Tracy L. Hoilman uses writing and live theater to help students confront real-world issues. His ACT! (Action Concerned Teens) drama club has produced shows such as "NUTRI-Tales," which pits healthy "good guy" foods against junk food "outlaws" to encourage healthy snacking among elementary students. The show was endorsed by the Tennessee Nutrition and Consumer Education Program (TNCEP), which is funding a statewide curriculum based on the show, with instructional materials developed by Mr. Hoilman. Mr. Hoilman facilitates Moral Kombat character education classes at the middle and high school levels, providing at-risk students with an outlet for discussing personal issues and a means to develop decision-making skills. Each year, he leads "Under the Christmas Tree," a community service project benefiting underprivileged children in the area.

Additional Information


1986 East Tennessee State University, B.A.

