Educator Profile    Educators


Timothy Caroline (MN '00)


At the time of the Award, Timothy Caroline was:
Moose Lake Elementary School
Moose Lake, MN

Biographical Information

Tim Caroline began his teaching career in Moose Lake, Minnesota, in 1978. Twenty years later, he became an elementary principal and in January 2002, he was promoted to district superintendent. Long before technology was widely implemented in the nation's schools, Caroline used computer technology to maintain a partnership with a sister school in Israel. He was a strong advocate of hands-on science and offered family science nights for students and parents to learn and have fun with science. As a principal, he worked with staff to implement Minnesota's Graduation Standards and revitalize the district's curriculum. During the 1999-00 school year, Caroline served on Gov. Jesse Ventura's study committee on Education Funding and Governance. As a superintendent, he co-chaired the Minnesota Association of School Administrators (MASA) Federal Advocacy Committee and traveled to Washington, D.C. to lobby legislators to support changes to No Child Left Behind legislation. He was recently elected to the MASA Board of Directors.

Additional Information


1978 University of Minnesota - Duluth, B.S.

