Educator Profile    Educators

Tammy S. Van Dyke (WI '02)


Leonardo da Vinci School for Gifted Learners
Green Bay, WI

At the time of the Award, Tammy S. Van Dyke was:
Nicolet Elementary School
Green Bay, WI

Biographical Information

At Nicolet Elementary School in Green Bay, Principal Tammy S. Van Dyke has initiated various reforms to improve character education and develop leadership skills, such as the LIONS (Leaders In Our Neighborhood and School) Club, in which fourth and fifth graders meet in councils during lunch to listen to guest speakers, learn about leadership and plan events for the rest of the student body. She also presents "respect awards," rewarding good students with a photo, a certificate and a letter of congratulations. To connect with families, Mrs. Van Dyke conducts "Ready-Set-Go" conferences at the beginning of each year, bringing teachers together with students and their families; these are followed by a "Back-to-School" barbecue for all families. She provides extensive staff development in everything from six-trait writing to curriculum mapping, and has led a schoolwide focus on balanced literacy.

Additional Information


1988 Silver Lake College, B.A.

