Educator Profile    Educators


Steven Zimmerman (ND '93)


At the time of the Award, Steven Zimmerman was:
Towner High School
Towner, ND

Subject(s) taught: Agricultural or Natural Resources, Business/Office

Biographical Information

Steven Zimmerman, who taught agricultural education to high school students at Towner Public School in Towner, wanted his students to think of him as "the twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, fifty-two weeks a years 'Ag teacher. Mr. Zimmerman believed that the most important contribution educators can give to their students is to make them aware of their "value as a part of the whole," and help them discover "how they can contribute to everyone's future." He dreamt of establishing an Agricultural High School. "All the curriculum would be developed with agriculture as the base," he said. "Emphasis would be placed on salesmanship, management, applied science, mathematics, and technical skill development." Although he felt that "new technologies are never too new for the classroom," he also thought that "basic principles cannot be sacrificed for the sake of change." In 1993 he was honored for outstanding service by both the National and North Dakota Vocational Agricultural Teachers Associations.

Additional Information


1976 North Dakota State University, B.A.

