Educator Profile    Educators

Stephen Patterson (KY '97)


At the time of the Award, Stephen Patterson was:
Madisonville North Hopkins High School
Madisonville, KY

Subject(s) taught: Biology/Life Science, Chemistry
Grade(s): 10, 11, 12

Biographical Information

When the Pathfinder probe landed on Mars, biology and chemistry teacher Stephen Patterson provided his students at Madisonville-North Hopkins High School in Madisonville with the technological means to communicate on-line with a scientist at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. In addition to providing technological opportunities for his students, Mr. Patterson challenges them to apply their knowledge of science to a performance event, such as designing and propelling a homemade torpedo using a plastic pipette, vinegar and baking soda. Mr. Patterson recently completed a four-year term as a Kentucky Education Reform Act Fellow, during which time he engaged in various professional development activities to promote educational reform throughout the state.

From 2009 to 2011, he received training with the National Math and Science network as a Learning the Foundation(LTF) national trainer and trained teachers in Kentucky 2012 and 2013 during summer institutes. After retiring in 2012, he helped my local high school with a state educational audit, and continues to tutor individual students, coach baseball and substitute teach especially in the sciences.


Additional Information


1978 Purdue University, B.A.


national science trainer - National Math-Science Initiative (NMSI) for Laying The Foundation (LTF)

