Educator Profile    Educators

Stephen A. Severson (IL '01)


East Peoria, IL

At the time of the Award, Stephen A. Severson was:
Bradley Central Middle School
Bradley, IL

Biographical Information

Members of the Bradley Central Middle School community in Bradley credit its successful adoption of the middle-school model to the insightful leadership of its principal, Stephen Severson. Mr. Severson led a comprehensive whole-school review process that focused his resourcefulness, curriculum development expertise and administrative experience on school improvement. This has resulted in an exemplary school environment characterized by teamwork, high expectations and academic achievement. Mr. Severson chairs a team that is evaluating programs in writing in order to improve the school's writing instruction. In partnership with an area business, he created the Career Module Laboratory, an experiential program that integrates math, science, technology and communication skills, and promotes career awareness while increasing student engagement. Mr. Severson was active in numerous school, district and state-level committees and professional associations.

Mr. Severson retired from education in 2019.

Additional Information


1983 Joliet Junior College, 1986 Eastern Illinois University, Governor's State University

