Educator Profile    Educators

Sheila Hall (MT '10)

Instructional Coach

Browning Elementary School
Browning, MT

Subject(s) taught: General Elementary
Grade(s): 3

At the time of the Award, Sheila Hall was:
Vina Chattin Elementary School
Browning, MT

Subject(s) taught: General Elementary
Grade(s): 3

Biographical Information

At Vina Chattin Elementary in Browning, MT, Sheila Hall instills a sense of pride, purpose and professionalism in everything she does. Hall is a well-respected role model at her Native American reservation school, and always steps up to the plate, no matter what challenge may be headed her way. In her third-grade classroom she helps students reach their highest expectations and attain academic success. Hall herself is a testament to the power of education to build opportunity and enhance lives.

Hall analyzes the students’ individual aptitudes and tailors her instruction to meet the needs of each one. Skilled at building student relationships, she keeps parents in the loop while holding students accountable for their actions. Her cross-curricular style has included insightful lesson plans like “Targeted Treasure Hunts” and exposure to multi-chapter books, including the Harry Potter series. Hall also maintains rigorous communication with caregivers, following through with parents whose children are truant.

A mentor to teachers and a frequent presenter at national conferences, Hall is always first to raise her hand for committee memberships and volunteer work. In fact, she stepped into the K-12 standards committee for another teacher and contributed valuable insights. Moreover, she coordinated a field trip fundraiser that garnered an impressive $9,000 for her school.

Related Connections

Milestone: Sheila Hall's (MT ’10) School Gets Striving Readers Project Grant

Sheila Hall In The News

Browning teacher awarded $25,000 for excellence
Great Falls Tribune  |  Oct 16, 2010  |  Great Falls, MT

