When passing by a session of Sharon Dravvorn Drake's math class, it is not out of the ordinary to hear the swells of classical music wafting out of the classroom. At Woodbridge Senior High School in Woodbridge, VA, Dravvorn Drake treats her students to a wide variety of learning tools, from the musical to the highly practical.
Prior to the start of each year, Dravvorn Drake studies the test scores and academic data prepared by the state about each incoming class. Based on this information, Dravvorn Drake begins her careful preparations for the year, tailoring the program to the needs of her soon-to-be students. In addition to making music a part of the classroom experience, she relies on logic games and visual aids to spice up class sessions and keep her students engaged. Dravvorn Drake also keeps parents involved, meeting with them regularly to review expectations for their teens. Dravvorn Drake has taken a special interest in teaching students who failed their 8th Grade Standards of Learning (SOL) Assessment. For the past three years, over 95 percent have passed the SOL after her course.
Aside from the exceptional work Dravvorn Drake does for her students, she also sets a good example for other teachers. The school district videotaped her class to show other teachers as a model. Dravvorn Drake also facilitates a book club for faculty, mentors new teachers, and conducts county-wide training courses.
1990 James Madison University, B.S.