Educator Profile    Educators

Ryan Williams (KY '12)


Estes Elementary
Owensboro, KY

Subject(s) taught: General Elementary

At the time of the Award, Ryan Williams was:
Mary Lee Cravens Elementary
Owensboro, KY

Subject(s) taught: General Elementary
Grade(s): 3

Biographical Information

Full of vim and vigor, Ryan Williams excites students about learning at Mary Lee Cravens Elementary in Owensboro, Kentucky, by connecting lessons to their interests. Much to their delight, he even dresses up as different motivational speakers, adding yet another stratum of interest to this ever-engaged classroom.

Mary Lee Cravens Elementary is a high-need Title I school. Williams' approach to increasing student achievement is to create a classroom driven by student data and higher-level thinking skills promoted by the Common Core State Standards. His learning stations are based on Common Core content and customized for students' instructional levels. Consider these innovative assignments aligned to Common Core principles: a March Madness newscast that students presented to parents, an iPad Academy, and incorporating sports into his lessons such as facilitating "tag team" reading with the local World Wrestling Federation wrestling program and having his students research a team in the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA).

Williams also goes the extra mile to inspire parental participation, creating video newsletters for parents and even convening parent nights throughout the year, working around moms' and dads' schedules to ensure their involvement.

National Board Certified, Williams is math curriculum coordinator and co-chairs the Positive Action Committee. Dedicated to the education profession, he requests student teachers for his room and presents an array of pedagogical-related topics at the district level. Furthermore, he shares his expertise via lectures at local universities and sits on the district's future leaders' group.

Personal Message

Related Connections

Article: How Milken Educators are Spending their Summer Vacation (continued)

Ryan Williams Newsletters

Earning It
Dec 17, 2012

Ryan Williams In The News

Just Hanging Around
Owensboro Messenger-Inquirer  |  Dec 16, 2015  |  Owensboro, KY

Estes Elementary School changing library to Project and Research Center
Messenger-Inquirer  |  Sep 09, 2013  |  Owensboro, KY

Additional Information


National Board Certified Teacher ED.S

