Educator Profile    Educators

Rosie Christy King (MS '08)

Assistant Principal

Horn Lake Elementary School
Horn Lake, MS

At the time of the Award, Rosie Christy King was:
Assistant Principal
Horn Lake Elementary School
Horn Lake, MS

Biographical Information

As assistant principal of Horn Lake Elementary School in Horn Lake, Mississippi, Rosie King has helped improve teacher effectiveness and raise student achievement. King led the alignment of the district's Curriculum Management System (CMS) with the state-level Mississippi Curriculum Test (MCT), particularly in language arts. She also developed a model for training teachers on using the CMS with the MCT blueprint to improve student performance. Before becoming Horn Lake's assistant principal, King was a teacher at Chickasaw Elementary School, where she was one of the teachers most requested by parents and was known throughout the district for her instructional excellence. Her students' criterion-referenced test (CRT) scores far exceeded state and district averages in math, reading and language arts. She also served as DeSoto County School District's first-ever reading/language arts specialist, leading districtwide committees on curriculum issues and conducting highly popular professional development sessions throughout the district. King worked last summer to revise the kindergarten handbook, report card, nine-week skill assessments and the first-grade language and reading assessments. She also developed a new observation form to help principals better evaluate teacher performance. An outstanding presenter, King has provided teacher training on a variety of topics such as vocabulary, fluency, reading comprehension and classroom management. A DVD was created of her presentation, "Using the New MDE Curriculum Framework." Many teachers credit King with helping them become better educators.

Additional Information


2001 Mississippi State University, B.S.

