Educator Profile    Educators

Roger Wilcox (IA '00)


At the time of the Award, Roger Wilcox was:
West Cedar Elementary School
Waverly, IA

Biographical Information

Roger Wilcox, principal of Waverly-Shell Rock Elementary Schools in Waverly, attends to the individual and intellectual growth of teachers and students alike through frequent classroom observations and finds new ways to promote academic achievement and improve school culture. He keeps his staff at the forefront of educational practice by facilitating an ongoing schedule of classes and seminars that integrate brain- compatible instructional methods and multiple intelligences theory. Wilcox initiated and chairs "ROOTS," an award-winning mentoring program, and advises Wartburg College and the University of Northern Iowa with their teacher preparation programs. He serves as president of the local Exchange Club and has co-chaired the Waverly-Shell Rock United Way Fund Campaign. Recently Wilcox has been in charge of mentoring and induction for new teaching professionals in the district. He also spent a busy summer due to the flooding in northeast Iowa. The flood destroyed one of the school buildings he is in charge of, and the district had 58 days to relocate the school into converted warehouse space in a strip mall in Waverly.

Related Connections

Milestone: Roger Wilcox (IA '00) Receives Multiple Arts Education Awards

Additional Information


1980 Iowa State University, B.S.

Creighton University, M.S.

