Educator Profile    Educators

Roger Moore (MI '91)


At the time of the Award, Roger Moore was:
Lake City Lower Elementary School
Lake City, MI

Biographical Information

Roger Moore is currently principal of Bates Elementary School in Dexter. At Lake City Elementary School, where he was principal when he received the Milken Educator Award, Mr. Moore led successful efforts to improve his school's internal environment as well as his community's commitment to schools. He initiated programs that invited parents into the school, involved staff and teachers in decision making and established monthly "Personal Growth" assemblies to recognize student achievement. Mr. Moore is also the leader and spokesperson of PASS (People Actively Supporting Schools), a community group founded to educate the public about the schools and thus gain support. His commitment to the community and grass-roots educational programs led to his being named Citizen of the Year by the Lake City Chamber of Commerce, and he was recognized as Michigan's Outstanding Principal for the 1990-91 school year. (3/16/04)

