Educator Profile    Educators


Robert Younker (MI '92)


At the time of the Award, Robert Younker was:
Southfield High School
Southfield, MI

Biographical Information

Robert Younker taught electronics to the ninth through twelfth grade students of Southfield High School in Southfield. In 1966, Mr. Younker began Swap and Shop  an electronics flea market held each January that raised an average of $20,000 each year for scholarship funds and new equipment for the Southfield electronics program. A former electronics maintenance instructor in the Korean War, Mr. Younker also served as a co-op coordinator, providing job placement assistance and career counseling for students of the school. An educator for 30 years, Mr. Younker said, "The evidence of my professional worth is in the work I see my former students performing on sub-marines, with plants, in the defense department, becoming teachers and professors, and in every aspect of work and living."

Related Connections

Memoriam: Longtime Educator Robert Younker (MI ’92) Dies

