Educator Profile    Educators


Rita Surber (MT '94)


Meadowlark Elementary School
Chinook, MT

At the time of the Award, Rita Surber was:
Meadowlark Elementary School
Chinook, MT

Biographical Information

"I stress ideas and practices that allow children to be treated with dignity," says Rita Surber, principal of Meadowlark Elementary School in Chinook. One of the greatest challenges facing educators today, according to Mrs. Surber, is devising strategies to involve parents in their children's education. At Meadowlark Elementary School, Mrs. Surber has supervised numerous programs and activities to meet the goal of greater parental involvement. By accommodating parents' schedules, dispensing assignments and projects for the entire family and increasing home visits, Mrs. Surber hopes to more closely connect the school and the families it serves. In cooperation with local businesses and organizations, Mrs. Surber has also implemented a Work Study Program that allows students to gain work experience, while earning such things as athletic equipment and band instrument rentals. In 1994, Mrs. Surber was recognized as a Principal in Reading by the Montana State Reading Council.

Additional Information


College of Great Falls, B.A.

