Educator Profile    Educators


Rita Gwen Presley (KY '00)


At the time of the Award, Rita Gwen Presley was:
Title I Teacher/Coordinator
Science Hill Elementary School
Science Hill, KY

Subject(s) taught: English/Language
Grade(s): 6

Biographical Information

Since becoming the Title I writing resource teacher at Science Hill Elementary School in Science Hill, Rita Presley has improved instruction school-wide and helped increase student test scores. As the school's writing cluster leader, she works with teachers from pre-kindergarten through the eighth grade, setting goals, developing student portfolios, and modeling lessons that embed writing into all content areas and focus on real-world applications. As a resource teacher for KTIP (Kentucky Teacher Internship Program), Mrs. Presley mentors, guides, supports and evaluates beginning teachers. She has received training in portfolio scoring and presents training sessions on the practice each year. She was instrumental in acquiring new playground equipment by forging relationships with business leaders and parents.

Additional Information


1986 Eastern Kentucky University, B.S.

