Educator Profile    Educators


Richard Johnson (GA '93)

Executive Director

Thomas Area Communities in Schools
Thomasville, GA

At the time of the Award, Richard Johnson was:
Bainbridge High School
Bainbridge, GA

Biographical Information

Richard Johnson teaches social studies, economics, and world history to ninth graders at Bainbridge High School in Bainbridge. Mr. Johnson credits the Vietnam War and the "Vietnam Era" as the major catalyst in his decision to become and educator. There were of course many outstanding teachers, as well as administrators, friends, and family who also helped influence his decision, but his experience as a war draftee had an impact that far surpassed this well-wishing circle of supporters. "While there, I saw a different world and became aware of a deeper world. My goals changed and deepened as well." Before becoming a teacher, Mr. Johnson was an underwater archaeologist; "challenge, adventure, and risk made for an intensley stimilating work enviroment," he says. "The problem for me was that I wasn't sure it mattered much. Teaching matters." For the past six years Mr. Johnson has participated in an educational program designed for at-risk students. The program's resounding success has brought it to the attention of national media, and it has served as a model for over forty Gerogia counties. Flattering as these laurels may be, for Mr. Johnson the true reward comes with the joyous faces of students on graduation day.

Additional Information

At-risk Students, Community Involvement

