Educator Profile    Educators

Renee A. Moore (MS '01)


At the time of the Award, Renee A. Moore was:
Broad Street High School
Shelby, MS

Subject(s) taught: English/Language, Journalism
Grade(s): 10, 11, 12

Biographical Information

Renee Moore, NBCT, the 2001 Mississippi Teacher of the Year, taught high school English for 17 years and is now at Mississippi Delta Community College. Moore is a member of the Board of Directors of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards and Mississippi’s Commission on Teacher and Administrator Education, Certification, and Licensure. She is also a member of the Teacher Leaders Network (TLN) and has participated on two of its Teacher Solutions teams: Performance Pay for Teachers (2008) and Teaching 2030 (published Feb. 2010 by Teachers College Press). She also maintains a blog, TeachMoore.

Renee A. Moore In The News

Learning From Black Educators
The Atlantic  |  Sep 09, 2020  |  Washington, DC

What If Teachers Didn’t Focus So Much on Individual Achievement?
The Atlantic  |  Jun 27, 2019  |  Washington, D.C.

Additional Information


1997 Middlebury College, M.A.

1990 Delta State University, B.S.

