Educator Profile    Educators


Randall J. Cook (MI '01)


Tri County Senior High School
Howard City, MI

Subject(s) taught: Chemistry, Physics, Earth Science/Space Science
Grade(s): 10, 11, 12

At the time of the Award, Randall J. Cook was:
Tri County Senior High School
Howard City, MI

Subject(s) taught: Chemistry, Physics, Earth Science/Space Science
Grade(s): 9, 10, 11, 12

Biographical Information

At Tri County High School in Howard City, students in Randall J. Cook's chemistry and physics classes conduct hands-on, multi-sensory labs using state-of-the-art technology and materials that Cook has acquired through numerous corporate and foundation sponsorships. He coordinated development of the school's science department curriculum, and wrote a district-level curriculum to provide lower-level students with a better background in science. He has also formed collaborations with local universities to promote his advanced curriculum and has enabled Tri County High School students to collaborate with college students on college-level projects. Author of a laboratory textbook on water quality testing, Cook is project director of a statewide Water Quality Research initiative in partnership with the Michigan Lake and Stream Association. Cook has traveled frequently to rainforest communities in Ecuador, teaching villagers and their children how to monitor and improve their water quality. In 2006, he was honored by USA Today as a member of its All-USA Teacher Team, and in 2007, he was one of ten semi-finalists for the Shell Science Teaching Award sponsored by the National Science Teachers Association.

Additional Information


1985 Cedarville College, B.A.

