Educator Profile    Educators

Peggie Swift (WI '99)


At the time of the Award, Peggie Swift was:
Byron Kilbourn Elementary School
Milwaukee, WI

Grade(s): Pre-K, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Biographical Information

At Byron Kilbourn Elementary School in Milwaukee, most of whose students come from impoverished households, principal Peggie Swift's vision and leadership have helped the school earn recognition as a "High Achieving School." Her strategy for motivating her students includes incentive programs such as a reading contest that supplements the daily reading curriculum, prizes for perfect attendance, and a Very Important Person (VIP) Luncheon, at which students receive prizes for setting goals and working hard to achieve those goals. In addition to presenting workshops at various national conferences, she participates in all of Kilbourn's professional activities. Under Ms. Swift's leadership, the school received a Title I National Recognition Award in 1997.

