Educator Profile    Educators


Patrick Preisinger (WA '01)


Meridian High School
Bellingham, WA

Subject(s) taught: Chemistry, Physics
Grade(s): 9, 11, 12

At the time of the Award, Patrick Preisinger was:
Meridian High School
Bellingham, WA

Subject(s) taught: Chemistry, Physics
Grade(s): 9, 11, 12

Biographical Information

Patrick Preisinger, chemistry and physics teacher at Meridian High School in Bellingham, attributes his effectiveness to humor, the ability to make science learning relevant to students' lives, and his own quest for new knowledge. Students spend two months of Mr. Preisinger's sequential chemistry curriculum on independent exploratory projects such as creating a flame tornado or synthesizing an essential oil, all the while honing their technical writing skills. His programs, from an astronomy course that explores phenomena such as changes in day length to a scientific investigation of fire-fighting in partnership with a local fire chief, build transferable understanding of fundamental scientific principles. Annual student science exhibitions and research presentations raise community awareness of student learning, as well as support for Mr. Preisinger's overseas study tours and other extracurricular programs.

Additional Information


1980 Gonzaga University, B.A.

