Educator Profile    Educators


Nelson Quinby III (CT '89)


At the time of the Award, Nelson Quinby III was:
Joel Barlow High School
West Redding, CT

Biographical Information

With more than 25 years of teaching and administration, Nelson Quinby, Director of Secondary Education in Easton and Redding, has come to believe that a strong education should prepare students to "see themselves as continual learners and problem solvers, rather than as purveyors and receivers of 'right' answers and standardized solutions." Through his involvement with the Connecticut Principals Academy and the Connecticut Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, Mr. Quinby has worked to increase the district's development budget and to help his schools design programs more appropriate to the future lives of students.

Related Connections

Memoriam: Saying Goodbye to CT Milken Educator Nelson Quinby

Additional Information


Eastern Connecticut State University, B.A.

Academics, Assessment, Class size, Conflict Management, Parental Involvement, Portfolio Assessment, Professional Development, Technology

