Educator Profile    Educators


Nancy Walker (ND '98)


The Innovation School
Bismark, ND

Subject(s) taught: General Elementary
Grade(s): Pre-K, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

At the time of the Award, Nancy Walker was:
Killdeer Elementary School
Killdeer, ND

Subject(s) taught: General Elementary
Grade(s): K

Biographical Information

When Nancy Walker began teaching kindergarten at Killdeer Public School in rural Killdeer, the school lacked a written kindergarten curriculum. After extensive research, Mrs. Walker created a developmentally-appropriate curriculum that emphasizes hands-on learning. She has boosted parental involvement at Killdeer through parent-work nights, on which parents come to the school and construct games for students to play both at home and in the classroom. Other parental programs she has initiated include parenting discipline classes and a series of mini-workshops for parents on topics such as Real Life Math and Writing for Fun. Mrs. Walker is a member of North Dakota Goals 2000 Teacher Forum, a committee dedicated to improving the state's education system.

After retiring in 2012, her passion for education drew her back to teaching. After moving to Grand Forks, ND, she worked at the University of North Dakota in various positions. She subbed at the Grand Forks Public schools as well as teaching at the Head Start Program.

She moved to Bismarck ND where she subbed at a variety of schools before finding a unique private school where she was allowed to share her passion for inquiry based learning. The Innovation School helps children find their strengths in a safe and nurturing environment.

Additional Information


1980 Mayville State University, B.A.

