Educator Profile    Educators


Nancy Burkland (ND '92)


At the time of the Award, Nancy Burkland was:
Lincoln Elementary School
Fargo, ND

Biographical Information

Nancy Burkland is principal of Lincoln Elementary School in Fargo. Since 1977, Ms. Burkland has been director of the Fargo Gifted Program which she developed for kindergarten through sixth grade students. Instrumental in the planning and development of current expansion of Lincoln Elementary School, Ms. Burkland notes, "As principal I see myself as cheerleader, supporter and listener for all students and staff in my building. I try to encourage my teachers to create a positive learning environment and try to be excited about improving their own teaching skills." Ms. Burkland has served as president and editor of the North Dakota Elementary Principals Organization as well as on the board of Teacher Professional Practices Commission and the North Central Association of North Dakota.

Related Connections

Memoriam: Nancy Burkland (ND '92) Has Died

