Educator Profile    Educators

Nancy Borchers (OH '93)

Curriculum Supervisor

Ross Local School District
Hamilton, OH

Subject(s) taught: Mathematics
Grade(s): 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

At the time of the Award, Nancy Borchers was:
Taylor High School
North Bend, OH

Biographical Information

Nancy Borchers is curriculum supervisor for the Ross Local School District in Hamilton, where she has integrated various cultures into the curriculum. She has traveled to Tokyo and Hiroshima to learn about Japanese culture through the Japan Fulbright Memorial Fund Teacher Program, and has sponsored teachers from Southeast Asia for a week-long cultural exchange with students in the district. These experiences resulted in student-authored Kamishibai Theatre productions at the Cincinnati Museum's Asian Festival. Previously, Borchers taught mathematics at Taylor High School in North Bend, and was on the SchoolNet faculty for Ohio SchoolNet in Cincinnati. Borchers has always emphasized the centrality of mathematics to the daily lives of students, making it accessible and illustrating its relevance to life beyond the classroom. Programs she created include Wind Tunnel Connections to Classroom Instruction, in which students from two Ohio high schools participated in the testing of an actual wind tunnel by NASA engineers at the Lewis Research Center in Cleveland. She has also authored algebra, geometry and ancillary high school texts for Glencoe Publishing that include the kinds of “hands-on” activities for which she has become noted.

Additional Information


Ohio State University, B.A.

Business Partnerships, Community Partnerships, Cooperative Learning, Distance Learning, Math, School-to-Work, Teacher Training, Technology

