Educator Profile    Educators

Michael Rodriguez (AR '91)


Germantown, TN

At the time of the Award, Michael Rodriguez was:
Lee High School
Marianna, AR

Biographical Information

Michael Rodriguez was a counselor at Lee Senior High School in Marianna. Owing to the school's location in the economically depressed Mississippi River Delta region, students are often faced with the temptation and/or need to drop out of school and go to work, and Mr. Rodriguez's concerned counseling has often made the difference in their decisions to stay in school. He won a grant that made it possible to expose students to a variety of career opportunities through the use of posters, videotapes and guest speakers. He also established the Alumni Hall of Fame, in which successful alumni are recognized through bulletin board notices and assemblies. He conducted workshops for coworkers as well as individual and group counseling sessions for students.

Michael retired in 2013. 

Personal Message

My work as a high school counselor for 42 years has partially prepared me for retirement and an opportunity to continue to make a difference in the lives of those I love. My educator awards are in the past but the difference they have made in my life continue to this day. I am eternally grateful.

Additional Information


1970 University of Arkansas - Fayetteville, B.A.

Working with others.

