After 11 years of teaching in the Ft. Worth Independent School District, Mary Rebekah Krsnak was hired as a Texas Reading First Local Campus Coach. In March 2004, she was hired by the University of Texas System to monitor the Texas Reading First Grant in multiple schools across the state and serve as the liason between the district, the University of Texas Systems, and the Texas Education Agency as a Regional Technical Assistance Specialist. The past two years she has continued to work with the Institute of Public School Initiatives at UT analyzing high performing schools across the state and assisting them with showcasing their best practices on a Texas educator website. She also was a state master trainer for the Texas state ELAR standards, does consulting work with an online test generator, and recently wrote an article on the findings of a case study she did on the turnaround of an urban middle school.She then accepted a position with Arlington ISD in Texas as the District Liason/Project Manager of the Texas Literacy Initiative for AISD. She will oversee this multi-million dollar grant for age 0-grade 12. After three years there, she returned to UT to support Alice ISD with the literacy grant, and the district showed most growth in state data than ever before with her support. She is now in Midlothian ISD as Director of Elementary Learning. In the past five years since she has been there, the district has grown from around 7200 students to 9800 students, and still growing.
2001 Texas Wesleyan University, Ed.D.
Masters of Education in Curriculm