Educator Profile    Educators

Mary M. Reding (NE '02)


Central Elementary School
Bellevue, NE

Subject(s) taught: General Elementary
Grade(s): 6

At the time of the Award, Mary M. Reding was:
Central Elementary School
Bellevue, NE

Subject(s) taught: General Elementary
Grade(s): 6

Biographical Information

At Central Elementary School in Bellevue, sixth-grade teacher Mary M. Reding adapts her teaching strategies to meet the needs of each individual student. She was instrumental in establishing Different Ways of Knowing (DWoK) at Central, an arts-infused teaching strategy utilizing hands-on activities that address multiple intelligences. She currently serves as a teacher coach liaison for her building's Comprehensive School Reform Demonstration (CSRD) grant reform model and is the chair of the Student Profile Committee for Accreditation. Miss Reding manages the school's Web site and has led the staff in learning to use technology. She is the supervisor of the student council and a member of the yearbook committee. A National Board Certified teacher, she was one of two people in Nebraska selected to travel to Japan as representatives of the Fulbright Memorial Teacher Fund.

Additional Information


1990 University of Nebraska - Omaha, B.S.

