Educator Profile    Educators

Mary Ann Guerin (RI '03)


Joseph L McCourt Middle School
Cumberland, RI

Subject(s) taught: Life/Earth Science/Math
Grade(s): 7

At the time of the Award, Mary Ann Guerin was:
McCourt Middle School
Cumberland, RI

Subject(s) taught: Physical Science
Grade(s): 8

Biographical Information

Middle School science teacher Mary Ann Guerin is currently the coordinator for Cumberland's Middle School Science Program. She has taken an active role as a Team Leader Teacher for the GEMS-Net Science program. A program that incorporates Writing in Science with Inquiry based teaching. This has been implemented throughout the district in grades k-8. She is also the lead teacher for the Science Challenge enrichment program. At the time of the award, Mrs.. Guerin was helping to develop an innovative physical science technology course for grades five through nine at McCourt Middle School (formerly Cumberland Middle School) in Cumberland. As a pilot teacher for Project DESIGNS (Doable Engineering Science Investigations Geared for Non-science Students), a program of the Science Education Department at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Mrs. Guerin helped students build on existing skills, manipulate variables and work through problems via group discussion. She has been at the forefront of the special education inclusion program at Cumberland and actively promotes science learning throughout the school. She has been one of two on-site computer technicians, a senior coach for the middle school Science Olympiad team and the Science enrichment coordinator .

Additional Information


1990 University of Rhode Island, B.S.

Rhode Island College, MAT

