Under the leadership of its principal, Marilyn Delger, Hawthorne Elementary School in Bozeman was designated a Montana Model School for Arts in Education by the Montana Arts Council. Mrs. Delger describes the project, now in its sixth year, as an effort to "develop the arts as a fundamental and interdisciplinary component of a thematic-based curriculum." In preparation for the 1999 implementation of Montana state standards mandating elementary-level foreign language instruction, she is currently working towards the development of a state model program. A Spanish language program will soon be in effect at her school. To help students gain positive and responsible social experiences, Mrs. Delger created "Peanut Butter Pals," a role model program that pairs university students with elementary students. She also developed the Student Ambassador program that invites fifth-graders to become assistants to the principal.
1965 Montana State University - Bozeman, B.A.