At Eagle Creek Elementary School in Indianapolis, fifth-grade teacher Mariama Shaheed-Carson creates developmentally-focused lessons that incorporate local, state and national standards. She uses integrated thematic instruction, spiral learning, activities that enhance higher order thinking skills, and cooperative learning. A bilingual certified teacher, Mrs. Shaheed-Carson visited Cuernavaca, Mexico, last year in order to more effectively address the educational and cultural needs of her diverse student population. Clearly Mrs. Shaheed-Carson's engaging learning environment works well for students, as her fifth graders make significant achievement gains on the Northwest Evaluation Association assessment, often with some of the highest scores in the district. Mrs. Shaheed-Carson created a Cinco de Mayo celebration at Eagle Creek, as well as Carson's Book Club for students. She is a member of the C.L.A.S.S. Support Team, a group of teachers who help with thematic integration and community building in the classroom.