Educator Profile    Educators

Margo Sorenson (CA '91)


Grade(s): Pre-K, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

At the time of the Award, Margo Sorenson was:
Harbor Day School
Corona Del Mar, CA

Subject(s) taught: English/Language, Speech, Debate

Biographical Information

Author of over 30 traditionally-published books for children and young adults, Margo Sorenson taught English and speech and debate at Harbor Day School in Orange County, where she also served as chair of the English Department. Having retired from the classroom, Mrs. Sorenson is now a full-time writer of books for young readers in elementary, middle school, and high school. She has won recognition and awards from numerous groups including the American Library Association and the School Library Journal, and has been a finalist for the Young Adult Minnesota Book Award. Her books have been adopted by Minneapolis Public Schools and the State of California. Fight in the Fields: Cesar Chavez, published in 1998, is recommended by the U.S. Department of Education as an educational resource for teaching about Chavez. The internationally-known Kerlan Children's Literature Research Collection at the University of Minnesota has invited Mrs. Sorenson to donate and archive her working papers.. A frequent speaker at schools, libraries, and community groups across the country, Mrs. Sorenson is delighted to talk with students about the love of reading and writing, and she is a frequent virtual presenter with classrooms all over the world. Her young adult/crossover adult novel, SECRETS IN TRANLSATION, which takes place in Italy, was published in October, 2018. Picture books published in 2020 are LITTLE CALABASH (Island Heritage) and CALVIN GETS THE LAST WORD (Tilbury House), which was featured in the New York Times as a great pick for "Books About Words."

Personal Message

As a frequent school speaker for author visits and a working writer, I welcome hearing from Milken Educators with any feedback about literature and children -- what you wish the kids were reading -- and what they actually are reading. I am open to topics, themes, concerns, and issues of any kind that would interest kids and help "hook" them into reading.

Related Connections

Article: Advice for First-Year Teachers

Article: After Teaching, A New Chapter for Margo Sorenson

Margo Sorenson In The News

[Review + Author Chat] Margo Sorenson on Little Calabash
Jama's Alphabet Soup  |  Feb 09, 2021

Author Publishing Children’s Book in October
The Capistrano Dispatch  |  Jun 12, 2020  |  Capistrano Beach, CA

Additional Information


2003 Minnesota Book Award Young Adult Fiction Finalist


1988 Johns Hopkins University SDB Fellow/CTY


1968 Secondary School Life Credential, CSUN

1967 University of California - Los Angeles, B.A.

thirty-plus traditionally-published books for young readers

Language Arts, Debate, English, Writing, At-Risk Students, Diversity

