Educator Profile    Educators

Madelene Loftin (MS '07)

Science Coach

Wingfield High School
Jackson, MS

Subject(s) taught: Biology/Life Science, Chemistry
Grade(s): 10, 11, 12

At the time of the Award, Madelene Loftin was:
Wingfield High School
Jackson, MS

Subject(s) taught: Chemistry, Biology/Life Science
Grade(s): 10, 11, 12

Biographical Information

Science teacher Madelene Loftin incorporates inquiry-based science instruction, problem-based projects and technology into her daily instructional routine at Wingfield High School in Jackson. Among her innovative activities is a Bubble Lab in which students learn concepts such as water properties, solutions, pH and gravity while competing to create the largest soap bubble. Loftin implemented the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Applied Math) program at Wingfield, in which high school students are mentored by engineers from local businesses or leaders from local colleges. As a science coach, Loftin teaches students in the morning and supports teachers in the afternoon through classroom observations, site-based professional development, modeling of lessons and mentoring. Under Loftin's leadership, Wingfield's passing rate on the state biology exam has increased from 83.4 percent to 91.1 percent in three years, and ACT scores have also risen. Loftin is past president of the Mississippi Association of Biology Educators (MSABE), has made several presentations for the National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT), and serves on the science curriculum committees for both the Jackson Public School District and the Mississippi Department of Education.

Additional Information


1994 Mississippi College, B.S.

