Educator Profile    Educators

Lois Feiner (WI '99)


Glacier Edge Elementary School
Verona, WI

Subject(s) taught: Art
Grade(s): K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

At the time of the Award, Lois Feiner was:
Sugar Creek Elementary School
Verona, WI

Subject(s) taught: Art
Grade(s): K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Biographical Information

Lois Feiner is an art instructor at Glacier Edge Elementary with Verona Area School District - a pre K - 12th
grade public school district near Madison, Wisconsin. She is also a district-wide art department leader.

Of course you would think that Lois places visual art high on her list of subjects important to teach our children,
and you would be right. However, she has always felt that reading is, by far, the most vital skill we can teach in
our schools. She will tell you that, “Art is important, but reading is paramount and must never be allowed to be
placed second in importance.” In fact, Lois regularly tells her K-5th grade students, that “reading is the
foundation of all learning in all subjects.”

To illustrate this, Lois uses children’s literature as the origin and inspiration for many of her art learning activities.
The author’s word selection, the artist’s illustrations, and the book’s theme are all aspects from which she
motivates and inspires young artists. To instill a love of reading and the joy and adventure found within books,
she has a library in her art room for students to use at any point during her lessons or upon completion of work.

Then, to promote her young artists and the expressive masterpieces they create: Students, families and
colleagues within Glacier Edge Elementary and throughout Verona Area School District, are recipients of her love
of art and wealth of opportunity that this content area provides in order to positively impact life and promote
personal wellbeing. For over 25 years, Lois has organized a district-wide event known as “Verona Area School
District’s Distinguished Art Scholar Award - Honoring artistic excellence and celebrating exceptional character
qualities to thrive in a diverse, global society.”

This event, hosted by the district’s superintendent in conjunction with the board of education, takes place each
year in early May at a public school board meeting. The celebration features K through 12th grade student-artists
who have been selected by their art teachers to receive formal recognition for their artistry and positive character
qualities and contributions. Each honoree’s artwork is professionally framed and, after the celebration event, is
displayed in the Administration Building for one year, with new honorees being selected the following May.

To further promote students and their artistic talent, Lois organizes year-round, rotating exhibits on bulletin boards
throughout the district’s Administration Building: over 200 art pieces on display with each new show every
couple of months. March - National Youth Art Month - features a district-wide event at the Verona Area High
School Art Gallery. Also in March, Lois organizes the “Glacier Edge Elementary Art Fair” at her site. And finally,
in May, to celebrate the culmination of the academic year’s artistic accomplishments, and to show appreciation
of the supportive families and community, she organizes a month-long K-12 display at the local public library.

Lois is deeply committed to Verona Area School District, its mission and its goal for EVERY student to be
successful in achieving personal goals, to thrive in a diverse global society, and to lead a self-fulfilling, healthy life.
She has always felt that people should sit a bit taller in their chair when a teacher - a professional - enters the
room. And to this philosophy, Lois places her own professionalism, love, compassion, and purpose-driven work at
the very foundation of her life and career. You will often hear her say, “I cannot believe I get to do what I get to
do everyday - I’m so very fortunate.”

Additional Information


2003 M.A., Educational Administration, Edgewood College

1982 B.A., Fine Art, University of Maryland

Licenses: K-12 Principalship and Director of Curriculum

