Educator Profile    Educators

Kitty Logan (MT '02)


Eagle Academy Charter School
Eagle River, AK

Grade(s): K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

At the time of the Award, Kitty Logan was:
Swan Valley School
Condon, MT

Subject(s) taught: Physical Education, Health, Library, Media, Mathematics
Grade(s): K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Biographical Information

I am currently a principal of a charter school in the Anchorage School District. As principal of grades 7-12 at Drummond High School in Drummond, Kitty Logan supervises special education and Title 1 programs, evaluates all teachers in the K-12 system and even tutors junior high school students during study hall. At the time of her Award, Logan was a principal/teacher at Swan Valley School in Condon, where she taught physical education, algebra, health enhancement and library science. She also became the school's librarian after encountering difficulty in recruiting and retaining a librarian and counselor; consequently, she and another staff member attended summer school for two years to obtain the appropriate certifications. When the school needed computers, Logan not only convinced the community to pass a mill levy in exchange for adult computer training classes, but also secured funding from the Liz Claiborne and Art Ortenberg Foundation. She has been a member of the Missoula Education Cooperative Advisory Board and played a key role in developing the achievement level tests of the Missoula Curriculum Consortium, an organization designed to ensure a more uniform curriculum for all Missoula County schools.

Additional Information


1981 Universtiy of Montana - Dillion, B.S.

