Educator Profile    Educators

Dr. Kelly Remijan (IL '03)


Subject(s) taught: Mathematics

At the time of the Award, Dr. Kelly Remijan was:
O'Fallon Township High School
O'Fallon, IL

Subject(s) taught: Mathematics


Biographical Information

At the time of the 2003 award, Kelly was a mathematics teacher at O'Fallon Township High School where she developed lessons that actively engaged students in real world applications of math. She created various projects in her geometry classes to connect mathematics to business, architecture, electronics and art. One of Dr. Wamser Remijan's PBL projects entitled the Library VISION project (Vision Involving Student Input On Needs) involved a problem based learning project asking students to design a new library for the City of O'Fallon. Students conducted qualitative research: inspecting/photographing the library, interviewing librarians, architects, and an engineer, and researching other libraries across the nation and world. Students created initial drawings and then modified their plans in Google Sketchup after receiving feedback from architects. After students presented their design proposals, three design plans were selected. With the help of Bond- Wolf Architecture Firm creating blueprints, students constructed scale models, calculated costs, and presented potential interior design features to be incorporated into the final design. Final projects were displayed at a community open house held at the city library. In 2013, Dr. Remijan earned her Phd from Saint Louis University. She has coached softball and volleyball, led as department coordinator and assistant athletic director, traveled to Japan as a teacher ambassador as part of the Fulbright Memorial Fund Teacher Program, taught mathematics classes and methods courses at McKendree University, led as a grant coordinator for a Math and Science Grant for k-12th grade teachers from 13 counties in Illinois, and has mentored teachers across the country through the Toyota TIME program. Kelly has written various articles such as Flag Designs of Latin America: Culturally Relevant Learning Experiences with Technology to Enhance Geometry and Algebra Concepts" in the Teaching for Excellence and Equity in Mathematics"Growing the Teaching Profession" in the Illinois ASCD journal, "Playing with Push Toys: Solving a System of Linear Equations in the Columbia University's Journal of Mathematics Education at Teachers College, "Flag Designs of African Countries: Enriching Linear Functions" in the Benjamin Banneker's Lighthouse Almanac, "STEAMing Up Linear Functions" published in the NCTM's Mathematics Teacher Magazine, "Cultivating the Machining Math Classroom" published in the Record by the National Tooling & Machining Assocation, and "Project-Based Learning & Design-Focused Projects..." published in the Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem Based Learning. Additionally, Kelly has presented at various conferences/workshops both locally and nationally, such as "STEAMing up Algebra" at the NCTM's Regional Conference, "Collaborations for Integrating Career Connections" at the Career Connections Conference in Springfield (IL), "Aviation Integration" at the Missouri Math & Science Virtual Interface Conference, and "STEM Experiences for Teachers" at the National NCTM Conference in San Diego. Kelly continues to spearhead STEAM initiatives across all levels as a Director-at-Large for the Illinois Council of Teachers of Mathematics, STEM/CTE advocate, educational consultant, and U.S.Navy Community Ambassador.

Additional Information


2021 Remijan, K.W. (January 2021). Flag Designs of African Countries: Enriching the Graphing of Linear Equations and Inequalities in Algebra.

2019 Remijan, K.W. (Jan/Feb 2019). "STEAMing Up Linear Functions". Mathematics Teacher. 250-256.

2018 Remijan, K.W. & Pedersen, M. (2018). Scratching the Surface of Pong: Enriching Linear Equations with Computer Programming. Illinois Mathematics Teacher Journal.

2018 Remijan, K.W. (September 2018). "Cultivating the Machining Field by Planting Seeds in the Mathematics Class". The Record. 24-27.

2017 Remijan, K.W. (2017). Project-Based Learning and Design-Focused Projects to Motivate Secondary Mathematics Students. Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based Learning.

2017 Remijan, K.W.(November 22, 2017). Building Mathematical Skills and Community Relationships Through Crash Reconstruction. ASCD Express.

2016 Remijan, K. W. (October 2016). The Zipline Rescue Challenge. STEAMed Magazine. 11-15.

2016 Remijan, K. W. (May 26, 2016). Keeping Mid-Career Teachers with Hybrid and Part-time Positions. ASCD Express.

2016 Remijan, K. W. (May 26, 2016). Keeping Mid-Career Teachers with Hybrid and Part-time Positions. ASCD Express.

2014 Remijan, K.W. (Summer 2014). Improving Teacher Motivation in Secondary Schools With Hybrid Positions. American Secondary Education Journal. 42 (3), 30-38.

Remijan, K.W. (Spring, 2022) Playing with Push Toys and Technology: Solving a System of Linear Equations. Journal of Mathematics Education at Teachers College


1996 Millikin University, B.S.

Saint Louis University, PhD

Southern Illinois University, M.S.

