Educator Profile    Educators

Kathleen Engle (WY '97)


Newcastle Middle School
Newcastle, WY

Subject(s) taught: Physical Education, Health
Grade(s): 6, 7, 8

At the time of the Award, Kathleen Engle was:
Newcastle Middle School
Newcastle, WY

Subject(s) taught: Physical Education, Health
Grade(s): 6, 7, 8

Biographical Information

Students need to use more than physical strength in Kathleen Eagle's health and physical education classes at Newcastle Middle School in Newcastle; they also need to use brainpower. Using a computer game called "GeoSafari," which tests players' knowledge of history, science and geography, Ms. Eagle challenges her students both physically and mentally, while introducing them to an innovative application of education technology. Students are also required to write a research paper and take pencil-and-paper tests. Ms. Eagle has written and received grants for physical education equipment ranging from weights to a heart monitor. Ms. Eagle also focuses on her students' emotional health by conducting Toe Talks to discuss personal issues with her students.

Additional Information


1980 Black Hills State University, B.A.

Grant Writing, Professional Development, Mentoring

